Cancellation Policy
To cancel an order you have placed with Health Job Alert, you must contact us by email ( or by phone (1-646-948-2600). Every effort will be made to accommodate the cancellation of your order as long as it has not yet been processed. When contacting customer support to cancel an order, please be ready to provide your name, the campaign name, and your contact information.
Please note that if your e-blast has been deployed, the order cannot be canceled. In this case, we ask for 14 days to allow for more accurate statistical reporting.
Health Job Alert reserves the right to alter or modify the advertisement if necessary for better email deliverability. Health Job Alert will notify you of any substitutions or alterations as soon as possible and before deployment.
Health Job Alert functions to provide an audience who may most likely be interested in your exclusive opportunity. We cannot guarantee, nor do we make any warranty that your opportunity will receive applicants. If you are unhappy with the performance of your ad campaign (To be determined by an overview of your campaign's performance vis-a-vis comparable opportunities in the specialty in question). You have 60 days from the date of receipt of your invoice to contact Health Job Alert with your concerns.