Why Every OR Needs an OR Assistant
Typically, a surgical team consists of the surgeon, the surgeon’s assistant, a perioperative nurse, also known as an operating room or a surgical nurse, a radiographer, an anesthesiologist, and a surgical technician, also known as an operating room assistant. The Job Duties of an OR Assistant Overlap the Job Duties of an OR Nurse An OR assistant’s primary duty is maintaining a sterile environment during operations, and this often includes prepping the patient and the surgical team. ...

M. Grano

Jan 20, 2020
What Nurses Look for in a Job Offer
The healthcare landscape is ever-changing. By 2026, the RN workforce is expected to increase by 15%, but the U.S. will still experience a shortage of nurses, as the Baby Boomers age and retire. To cover this shortage and account for the continuously growing healthcare industry, the Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts the need for an additional 203,700 RN’s every year. Recruiting and training additional nurses is a challenge within itself. However, another problem looms: retaining curre...

M. Grano

Dec 20, 2019
Physician Shortage Persists
According to the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC), by 2032, the United States will see a shortage of up to nearly 122,000 physicians as demand continues to grow faster than supply. “Even with new ways of delivering care, America’s doctor shortage continues to remain real and significant,” said Darrel G. Kirch, M.D., AAMC’s president and CEO. The major factor driving demand for physicians continues to be a growing, aging population. Plus, one-third of activ...


Apr 30, 2019
Challenges Of Physician Recruitment In Rural Communities
There is a relative shortage of physicians in rural areas of the U.S. About 20% of the population lives in rural areas, but only 9% of physicians practice in these communities. This problem stems from two challenges: 1. While managed care systems have proliferated in urban areas, their growth has been impeded in rural communities by a higher population of uninsured. 2. The tendency for health care professionals (HCP) to gravitate to more affluent urban and suburban areas. Researchers at the Rob...


Jan 20, 2019
3 Tips on Finding the Ideal Millennial HCP
If you are recruiting Health Care Professionals aged 25 to 38, then you are working with the generation now popularly called Millennials (aka Generation Y). While horror stories about interviewing Millennials abound, many can be summarized by the question "Did they even want this job?" Before you can focus on how to interview them, you first have to figure out how to even find them. Below are three suggestions to help you get started: 1 - Focus On the Digital This generation w...


Jan 10, 2019
The Role of Advanced Practice Registered Nurses in Nursing Home Care
Nursing home administrators understand the importance of assessing, improving, and implementing quality care for older adults in long-term facilities. Findings by researchers from the Sinclair School of Nursing at the University of Missouri suggest that advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs) can play a key role in improving care in nursing homes by serving as leaders of health care teams. With specialized training and certification, APRNs are garnering success by guiding healthcare teams t...


Jul 25, 2018
The Increasing Role of Physician Assistants
The role of Physician Assistants (PA) grew in the 1960s in response to a shortage of doctors. This demand for PAs has continued to grow filling a void in the healthcare system. Also, with healthcare evolving, taking care of patients has now become a team effort, which includes PAs and nurses. PAs are vital members of this team. Presently, PAs work in most specialties of medicine that doctors practice such as dermatology, cardiology, gynecology, oncology, pediatrics, emergency medicine and gener...


May 5, 2018
The Growth and Future of Concierge Medicine
While the number of concierge doctors remains small, it is growing at a steady pace. For Medical recruiters, this is an opportunity to get in on the ground floor of a practice that's making a comeback. According to Concierge Medicine Today , a national trade publication, it is estimated that there are currently 12,000 physicians practicing concierge medicine. This figure is based on interviews as there is no federal registry or official database collecting this information. It represents a ...


Apr 25, 2018
The Future of Telemedicine
There is a digital revolution in the healthcare industry, creating an enormous opportunity to recruit physicians for a virtual work environment. Telemedicine has started to take hold as an efficient and high-quality means of taking care of patients. According to the trade group American Telemedicine Association, more than 15 million Americans received some kind of medical care remotely in 2017 and those numbers are expected to grow by 30% this year. An important factor is that insurance payers ...


Apr 5, 2018
Hiring a Dedicated Nocturnist
Continuing workforce shortages mean that hospitalists can be choosy about their work schedules. Even fresh graduates from residency programs want to work day shifts only. However, there will be hospitalists who are willing to work at night under the right circumstances. Pay and time off appear to be key factors in hiring and keeping nocturnists, physicians who work exclusively at night. Some hospitals maintain a 5-on/10-off night schedule giving nocturnists the same full-time salary and benefit...


Mar 25, 2018